APS Seeds Amounts And Description

APS Seeds Amounts And Description

Atlantic Pepper Seeds

Our Seeds are a product of 20 years of experience. We will first start with this we have been grow and buying seeds for over 20 years. We have seen some shitty seeds over the years and that has always been a disappointment. 

This is why we started growing and saving seeds. We still buy seeds from around the World with very little change in seeds Quality. This is why we are now sharing our large Collection with the World. 

Our seeds are of the best Quality in the World. We would never sell a seed that we would not except to get ourselfs. We go through ever seed by hang and only pick the seeds that we would want to receive. We Pride ourselves to produce the best seeds possible at the best prices in the World.

Another thing that we have seen is seeds quantities.  Most say there are 10 seeds a pack and for the most part there has been 10 seeds. But we have  received 5 seeds and 7 seeds before. Than to only get 1 or 2 seeds to germinate. Another disappointment.

So our seeds will always be the best we can supply.  We Will always have no less than 10 seeds in a pack and in fact we always try to put at least 14 seeds in a pack. When you buy seeds from us you are buying 10 Seeds. And out of the seeds we supply you with we exspect you to get at least 10 plants this is why we put 14 seeds or more in some cases. Just to cover any bad seeds or germination troubles you could have.

Our Seed germination Rates are great, but one can only exspect to get around 80% germination. This is the other reason why we put extra seeds in our packs. This is for our own peace of mind. To know that we have provided the best seeds we possibly can and to know we are giving customers the best chance to get at least 10 plants. We hope everyone is happy with there seeds and the plants. We wish everyone happy growing and a big harvest. We would like to add sorry for not having pictures for all our Varieties we are hoping to get most of them up by this fall we are growing many varieties this year just for pictures we never had a need for pictures until we opened our site. Thanks for your patients.

if anyone would like more information please feel free to call or email us. we are happy to help and we love to talk peppers.

Atlantic Pepper seeds

1-506-366-3767 admin@pepperseeds.ca  or atlantic@pepperseeds.ca

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