AJI Peppers

AJI Peppers

A list of AJI pepper seed varieties

Aji is the common name primarily in South America and areas of the Caribbean for chilli peppers. Aji are a Capsicum baccatum species with fruity taste and have slim short and long pods of all colors . With great varieties like Aji yellow, Aji escabeche, Aji norteno, Aji limo and lemon drop just to name a couple. Aji's can range in heat from 5,000 Scovilles to 60,000 Scovilles and with some very rare ones with no heat.

Aji Ahuachapáu Pepper Seeds

Aji Ahuachapáu Pepper Seeds

This must grow variety has great flavor and sweet taste and good heat . Plants are small about one f..


Aji Angelo Pepper Seeds

Aji Angelo Pepper Seeds

This is very good variety with great fruity sweet taste with just the right heat. Plants grow very l..


Aji Cacho De Carbra Pepper Seeds

Aji Cacho De Carbra Pepper Seeds

This is a great little variety plants are small to medium sized with outstanding yields of medium he..


Aji Calabaza Pepper Seeds

Aji Calabaza Pepper Seeds

This great flavoured C.Baccatum grows very fast and large hitting 5 feet easy with excellent yields ..


Aji Calatenango Pepper Seeds

Aji Calatenango Pepper Seeds

A nice variety from El Salvador with very tasty pods with medium heat. Plants grow very well in pots..


Aji Céreo Pepper Seeds

Aji Céreo Pepper Seeds

A very good variety with great flavor and very high yields of medium hot pods that start white/yello..


Aji Cereza Pepper Seeds

Aji Cereza Pepper Seeds

This very nice cherry pepper has good flavor and grows very well in cooler climates.  plan..


Aji Challuaruro Red Pepper Seeds

Aji Challuaruro Red Pepper Seeds

This is the red variant of this great variety one of the best flavours variety we have come across. ..


Aji Challuaruro Yellow Pepper Seeds

Aji Challuaruro Yellow Pepper Seeds

This Rare and excellent variety has very nice flavor and nice heat. Plant grow very good in most cli..


Aji Charapita Pepper Seeds

Aji Charapita Pepper Seeds

This wild variety from Peru has yellow berry sized pods, plants are medium sized and have very ..


Aji Chombo Pepper Seeds

Aji Chombo Pepper Seeds

This very good yielding pepper has very good habanero flavor. Plants grow very  good with ..


Aji Cirel Pepper Seeds

Aji Cirel Pepper Seeds

 A very good Tabasco type pepper that is a very good replacement for a Tabasco pepper because i..


Aji Cito Pepper Seeds

Aji Cito Pepper Seeds

A Very good pepper that yields very high plants grow well and are average size pods are best su..


Aji Cochabamda hot Pepper

Aji Cochabamda hot Pepper

A very nice variety from Peru plants grow very good and have very high yields of cherry size pods th..


Aji Colorado Pepper Seeds

Aji Colorado Pepper Seeds

 A nice pepper that grows very well and has very high yields of dark red medium hot pods that a..


Showing 1 to 15 of 125 (9 Pages)