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A excellent variety with very good taste plants grow very good with very high yields of medium heat ..
A new superhot variety developed here by us at APS (Atlantic Pepper Seeds) with very nice fruity swe..
A excellent variety the classic Tabasco with very good flavor plants that grow very good w..
A newer superhot variety of Ghost pepper with great taste and extreme heat plants grow very fast wit..
An interesting newer variety. A cross of Jonah Orange and Purple UFO with great aroma and flavor tha..
A newer variety with nice sized pods with good taste. Plants grow well and seem to have hybrid vigor..
A newer superhot variety the yellow strain of Moruga. That maybe the World hottest for now. Pods hav..
A excellent variety of Jalapeno with great taste plants grow very well in most climates with very go..
A very nice new superhot variety with very high yields of medium to large sized ..
A very good variety with great taste and low heat for a Jalapeño Variety. plants grow very well in m..
This is a very interesting variety we been working on. Pods have very soft texture and is easily fer..
A very nice variety with very good taste plants grow very well in cooler climates with very good yie..
A excellent variety with great taste and good heat plants grow very good in cool climates with very ..
This very nice variety from Mexico is very popular pods are large and have very good flavor. Plants ..
This new variety made by us here at APS is a cross of Bahamian Goat and 7-Pot Congo Yello..
very nice large pod cross of two superhot variety's that has good taste and plants grow very large a..
A very nice variety from North east Brazil with good flavor. plants grow well with very good yields ..
A excellent variety with great taste plants are compact with good yields of sweet fruity golden pods..
A excellent variety with great taste and good heat.Plants grow very good with very high yields even ..
This is a Chocolate strain of the Reaper. This newer variety has great flavor even better than the o..
C.ChinenseSHU 1,400,000 +..
This is another great jalapeño type pepper with low heat and great flavor. And plants that grow good..
A newer variety from the University of New Mexico Very nice pepper with good heat and very good flav..
A new variety from the University of New Mexico. A Very nice pepper with good heat and very good fla..